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Corrugated Pro762
Product Name Corrugated Pro762
Product Description

• Corrugated iron covers a wider area for every linear meter than any other profile on the market.
• Corrugated is aesthetically pleasing.
• Can be spring-curved (draped) onto a 23m radius in the convex and 23m in the concave.
• Can be factory-cranked to a minimum radius of 450mm.


Corrugated iron sheeting is ideal for residential applications. Corrugated is also ideal for commercial applications where aesthetics is important. The absence of flat surfaces gives Corrugated the unique ability to completely repel oil canning.

Product Specifications:

Cover width: 762mm
Total width: 856mm
Coil width: 925mm
All dimensions given are nominal
Minimum Pitch 15º (approx. 1 : 3.7) single lap
Minimum Pitch 10º (approx. 1 : 5.6) double lap
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